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Acute Respiratory Infection


Acute respiratory infection is characterized by fever, cough, expectoration, and malaise. Infections may be caused by different kinds of bacteria or viruses. These can involve the upper tract causing sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, or the lower respiratory tract leading to bronchitis and pneumonia. Ayurveda offers several lifestyle changes, herbal combinations, and Yoga / Pranayama for prophylaxis and treatment of these infections. These are typically directed towards reducing the “kapha” dosha and heating the system to take care of the infection from within.

Vedic Healing

Apart from kapha balancing lifestyle recommendations, several herbs are useful in controlling the symptoms of acute respiratory infections. We use seven different herbs (Musta, Trikatu, Mulethi, Vasa, Tulsi, Saunph, and Amla). Trikatu (a formulation made from Zinziber officinale, Piper nigrum, and Piper longum) reduces kapha and enhances the action of other herbs. Mulethi (Glycerhiza glabra), Vasa (Adhatoda vasica), Tulsi (Oscimum sanctum), are well known for the treatment of respiratory infections in the Ayurvedic literature. Honey is healing by itself and the recommended medium to mix and ingest these herbs.

We have successfully used a combination of these seven herbs for acute respiratory infections. For non-diabetic adults, the dosage is 1 tsp (3.5gms) of the herbal combination mixed with 1 tbsp of honey and taken orally 2-3 times a day. Water is substituted for honey in diabetics and the dose is reduced for pediatric patients. This combination has the potential to reduce the severity of symptoms, the total duration of symptoms, and the need for antibiotics.

Purchase Options

VH-SIN-CBA – 2-Month Supply of Personalized Herbal Supplement – US $175.00
(Complete the Patient History Form and the Dosha Analysis Questionnaire online)

If you have other coexisting health problems, it is recommended that you opt for Personalized Healing Program based on consultation with Dr. Bhargava.

VH-MUL-PER – Consultation and 2-month supply of Personalized Herbal Supplement – US $225.00